Sign Up By July 23 to secure your spot for the first session


Join this 4 Part FREE Series to help you change your skin from within

This event has been postponed until the fall. Watch for updates on our instagram

The skin you've always desired may be waiting behind one of these 4 core beliefs you're probably not aware you have

"I'm afraid to make the wrong choice"

"I dont deserve ____" (the skin you always wanted)

"No one believes me/takes me seriously when

I describe _____" (your skin struggles)

"Something is wrong with me"

If any of these hit home for you, I would love to see you join the event series. Let's begin to break down those hurtful beliefs together

You will also be guided through two of my favorite skin rituals, a nightly cleanse (pm sessions) and a face + neck massage (am sessions)

We're gonna go more than skin deep

What To Expect:

  • Sign up to be invited to all 4 sessions
  • Attend all, or just the ones you can
  • Sessions will be hosted on zoom
  • Time zone is MST

Session 1


July 4, 2024 ~ 10am

Be guided through a rejuvenating facial massage ritual.

Then embark on a group S.I.T. healing centered on the belief theme:

"I'm afraid to make the wrong choice"

Session 2


July 24, 2024 ~ 7pm

Cleanse your face with care and guidance. Learn tips to adopt this meaninfgul ritual each and every night.

Then embark on a group S.I.T. healing centered on the belief theme:

"I dont deserve ____" (the skin you always wanted)

Session 3


August 15, 2024 ~ 10am

Be guided through a rejuvenating facial massage ritual. Then embark on a group S.I.T. healing centered on the belief theme:

"No one believes me/takes me seriously when I describe _____" (your skin struggles)

Session 4


August 26, 2024 ~ 7pm

Cleanse your face with care and guidance. Learn tips to adopt this meaningful ritual each and every night. Then embark on a group S.I.T. healing centered on the belief theme:

"Something is wrong with me"

Meet Your Guide

Hi, I'm Nicole!

You ever feel like someone or something has gotten under your skin? For me, it began several years into my esthetics career. I started to notice the unpleasant side of the beauty industry. Corporations create massive profit by marketing to peoples fears and insecurities. I was rarely my employers favorite because I refused to push product on people the way I was trained to. Here's a not so little known secret - I still won't sell you a product I don't belive will be beneficial for you. When I opened You Glo, I felt free to explore exactly what it is I want to offer, without large skin companies agendas influencing the way. I have found it so much more rewarding to help people get to the root of their beliefs about their bodies to create change within themselves. To empower clients to know what they need vs what they are being influenced to buy.

I thrive on helping people heal themselves.

The More Than Skin Deep Healing Series is designed from my heart combined with almost 20 years experience and continued education. AND I am thrilled to offer it to you for FREE!

"Thank you for sharing your gift, Nicole! This is the first S.I.T session I've attended and I loved it. There was something so powerful about hearing my own voice saying such loving affirmations. I would be very open to diving deeper ❤️"

Recent Group S.I.T. Participant


This is a FREE 4 part series designed for you to:


Learn to identify and remove beliefs that may be blocking you from the skin of your dreams


Gain awareness of skin care tips that can be transformative tools for you to use on that gorgeous glowing face of yours


Take away "chill skills" for re-centering your nervous system, and allowing for it to heal naturally

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Sign Up Now

Join this free event series to go more than skin deep. What's to lose?

We respect your privacy. You can unsubscribe at any time.

2024 You Glo Esthetics